
Overall objective:

To ensure equal study opportunities for students with disabilities and/or DSA (Specific Learning Disorders), so as to promote an autonomous, participatory and inclusive university experience – identifying and planning with the individual student, where required and/or necessary, the educational actions and solutions that will enable them to tackle their studies and take exams in the most effective way.

Specific objectives:

– Promote the inclusion of students with disabilities/DSA.
– Promote the resolution of problems of an organizational and/or educational nature
– Ensure adequate faculty understanding of the student’s diagnosis or condition without disclosing or transmitting confidential documents (e.g., Medical Certificates)


In order to take advantage of any teaching adaptations, the Student is required to notify the Education Secretary of any conditions in a timely manner, enclosing certification of his/her disability and/or civil disability and/or DSA or other specialized documentation attesting to the particular pathology or disorder. It would be desirable to receive the documentation before the start of classes.
The Student may submit such documentation only and exclusively by e-mail by writing to one of the following addresses:


NOTE: In order to access counseling (via online appointment) the Student will be asked, by the Secretariat contact person who will have access to this email box, to fill out a Data Processing Authorization form – mandatory to use the service.

Once the veracity and authenticity of the documentation provided has been established, the student will be contacted for an Individual Interview (online) with the Counselor. The Counselor will arrange a cognitive interview in order to better identify the student’s needs, particularly from an educational/academic perspective – based on the pathology, disability or manifested DSA.

Based on the student’s diagnosis and needs, the Counselor will confer with the School Coordinator to agree and subsequently adopt any dispensatory/compensatory measures, and/or additional supports, if deemed appropriate.


SSML Carlo Bo is committed to guaranteeing the Student the strictest commitment to confidentiality in the handling of these cases (and related referrals) – without the risk of any improper dissemination of the information or certifications shared to use the service.

the Directorate of Education

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