If you study at Carlo Bo, your future career as a professional is boundless.

SSML Carlo Bo recognizes the importance of an internship experience (internship) as a fundamental step for personal and professional growth.

Through a period of professionalizing Internship, the student has the opportunity to:

  • Acquire practical skills: test the knowledge acquired in their training in a real work context.
  • Build a network of contacts: get in touch with professionals in the field and create a foundation for their future.
  • Increase your chances of finding a job: a successful internship experience is an added value in your resume.
  • Acquire University Educational Credits (CF): to complement and supplement your academic career.

SSML Carlo Bo provides its students with a dedicated support service: the Internship Office.

The Office (tirocini@ssmlcarlobo.it) works closely with the Didactic Coordinators to identify and convey ever new and exciting Internship opportunities to Students of all Locations, through the sharing of specific Notices containing all the instructions for submitting your application.

The Service also offers specialized advice on aspects such as:

  • Activation of the Internship and related paperwork
  • Drafting of the Internship Agreement and related Training Project
  • Conversion of the Internship into CFUs (University Educational Credits)
  • Relationship with companies and the business community

In addition, the Internship Office is available to:

  • Provide you with the necessary documentation: we guide you in filling out all forms and keep you updated on deadlines, requirements, and the compilation of necessary records.
  • Answer all your questions: we will clarify with you any doubts and/or questions about the process

Here are some of the companies and institutions with which Carlo Bo students have collaborated on traineeships/job placements for professional training:

AES Rome | Argomm spa | British Educational di Antonella Brattoli | Capozza & Melillo S.r.l. | CISV Italia | Casa editrice Excalibur | Camp English Interaction | Compagnia del Fumetto | Croce Rossa Italiana | Dedalo Litostampa S.r.l. | DIMOTEX S.r.l.s | Eurovisioni | Festival Internazionale di Cinema e Televisione | Expo Milano 2015 | Federation Internationale des Communautes de L’Arche | Global Action | Gruppo Natuzzi | Gruppo Zoli Dino | Innocent La Halle aux fruits Milano | Istituto Achille Ricci | MATODI S.r.l. | MAD Studio Public Art & Gallery | Ministero dell’Interno Questura Milano – Polizia di Stato | Morgan School – Intuttelelingue | Nava S.r.l. | Regione Puglia | Assessorato al Mediterraneo Cultura e Turismo | Sestre S.r.l.s. | Sonder Italy S.r.l | Studio360 | Switch Magazine | Temple University Rome | We Road.

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