Privacy notice pursuant to Art. 13 of EU Regulation No. 2016/679

In compliance with the provisions of Art. 13 of EU Regulation No. 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation hereinafter ‘GDPR’), we provide you with due information regarding the processing of your personal data.


Pursuant to Art. 4 and Art. 24 of GDPR, the DATA CONTROLLER is Fondazione Scuola Superiore per Interpreti e Traduttori, Via Simone Martini 23, 20143 Milan, in the person of its pro-tempore legal representative.


The personal data provided will be processed in compliance with the conditions of lawfulness pursuant to Art. 6, letter b, of GDPR for the following purposes:

  • enrollment in the courses organised and provided by the Foundation with the management of related activities (carrying out of admission tests and entry assessment interviews with respect to students’ initial preparation, processing of the income band, calculation of the fees due, management of any paperwork relating to applications for exemption from payment of university fees, registration for notice of competitions or requests for other services and/or interventions for the right to university study, such as the granting of benefits and/or any financial support provided by law);
  • university career management and related activities (management of study plan, exams registration, application for graduation and/or suspension of career, enrollment and attendance of in-person courses, use of online and e-mail services, dispatch of communications relating to one’s university career);
  • fulfilments required by law for the management of the educational and administrative relationship between Fondazione Scuola Superiore per Interpreti e Traduttori and its students;
  • Participation in assessment interviews for the subsequent management of the educational pathway;
  • participation in initiatives and events organised by Fondazione Scuola Superiore per Interpreti e Traduttori;
  • communication of initiatives and events organised by Fondazione Scuola Superiore per Interpreti e Traduttori;
  • dispatch of information material relating to courses held by the Fondazione Scuola Superiore per Interpreti e Traduttori;
  • management of both curricular and extra-curricular traineeships and related activities (e.g. stipulation of agreements);
  • assistance with job placement (through dedicated channels) and for the organisation of seminars, career days, etc;
  • carrying out disciplinary measures against students;
  • participation in online events (e.g. Webinars, Open Days), which could entail the processing of personal data and, in particular, the registration of personal data related to participants’ images and audio recordings. Any recording will be done by authorised personnel, which will inform in advance the participants, who will determine their mode of participation and manage autonomously audio (microphone) and video (camera) of their computer devices (PC, tablet, etc.), and, if necessary, will disable them. The images of above mentioned events could also be used for the publication on the Institute’s website and other channels, unless the participants refuse consent after being previously informed.

Data of a personal nature supplied may be communicated to recipients appointed pursuant to Art. 28 of GDPR, who will process said data in their capacity as data processors and/or as natural persons acting under the authority of the Data Controller and Data Processor, in order to fulfil contracts or related purposes. Specifically, the data may be communicated to recipients belonging to the following categories:

  • the individuals who provide services to manage information systems and communication networks of Fondazione Scuola Superiore per Interpreti e Traduttori (including e-mails, web platform and the Foundation’s social pages);
  • internal structures of Fondazione Scuola Superiore per Interpreti e Traduttori, specific structures for communication, placement, etc;
  • the individuals who provide printing services and dissertations binding;
  • the firms or companies providing assistance and consultancy;
  • Competent authorities for the fulfilment of legal obligations;
  • certifying Authorities when checking the self-declarations made pursuant to Presidential Decree 445/2000;
  • local Authorities for the purposes of any subsidies in favour of particular categories of students;
  • State Attorney’s Office, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Police Headquarters, Embassies, and Public Prosecutor’s Office in relation to residence permits, recognition of particular statuses;
  • Insurance companies for accident practices;
  • ; Accredited or authorised public and private operators and potential employers for the purposes of orientation and insertion in the world of work;
  • Third parties, both Authorities and companies, with which the Foundation has signed special agreements for placements;
  • Revenue Agency for 730;
  • MIUR;
  • Public and private bodies to enable students to benefit from financial support, allowances, and services. In order to foster their integration in the local area and university environment, data concerning exchange students may also be disclosed to bodies, institutes or associations;
  • funders of awards, doctoral scholarships and grants, including the foreign ones, in case of students and/or doctoral students who have benefited from funding;
  • foreign universities engaged in training courses that award joint degrees;
  • ; in case of administrative-accounting purposes, the data may possibly be transmitted to external companies for debt recovery purposes.

The subjects belonging to the above categories act as Data Processors, or operate completely independently as separate Data Controllers. The list of designated Data Processors is constantly updated and available at the offices of Fondazione Scuola Superiore per Interpreti e Traduttori.


Data of a personal nature may be transferred outside the European Union, within the limits and conditions set out in Art. 44 et seq. of GDPR, specifically:

  • to third countries or international organisations for which the Commission has intervened with an adequacy assessment (Art. 45 of GDPR);
  • to third countries or international organisations that have provided appropriate safeguards and with which the data subject has enforceable rights and effective legal remedies (Art. 46 of GDPR);
  • to third countries international organisations on the basis of exemptions in specific situations (Art. 49 of GDPR).

The data will be transferred to:

  • Authorities abroad, upon request, in the event that it is necessary to verify the qualifications for professional reasons or for continuation of studies;
  • Embassies abroad, also for exemptions such as in case of military service;
  • Universities outside the EU, as part of international exchanges for in-going and out-going students;
  • Authorities or companies in case of activation of traineeships abroad; Universities abroad, also outside the EU, in case of international students.

The party concerned may obtain a copy of said data by sending an email to


Processing will be carried out automatically and/or manually, using methods and tools aimed to guarantee maximum security and confidentiality by persons specifically appointed for this purpose.

In compliance with the provisions of Article 5(1)(e) of GDPR, the personal data collected will be stored in a form that enables the identification of the person concerned for a period of time not exceeding the achievement of the purposes for which personal data and mandatory regulatory obligations are processed.


The provision of personal data for the purposes set out in point 2 of this information document is necessary in order to manage the activities described above relating to enrollment, educational pathway and school career. Failure to provide personal data will make it impossible to manage all the activities of which in point 2 of this information document.


You may exercise your rights as expressed in Articles 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21 of GDPR by contacting the Data Controller at, or by contacting the Data Protection Officer at

You have the right, at any time, to request from the Data Controller access to your personal data, rectification, deletion of the same, restriction of processing. Furthermore, you have the right to object, at any time, to the processing of your data (including automated processing, e.g. profiling) as well as to the portability of your data. Without prejudice to any other administrative and legal remedy, if you consider that the processing of your data violates GDPR provisions pursuant to Art. 15(f) of GDPR, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Supervisor, and, with reference to Art. 6 (1)(a) and Art. 9 (2)(a), you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.

In the event of a request for data portability, the Data Controller shall provide you with the personal data concerning you in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, subject to paragraphs 3 and 4 of Art. 20 of GDPR.

The Data Subject may amend this notice to adapt it to future changes to the website.

Last updated 01/06/2021

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