Erasmus+ is the European Union programme for youth education, training, and sport established in 2013 by EU Regulation No. 1288/2013 for 2014-2020 and renewed for the seven-year period 2021-2027,
bringing together in a single structure activities previously covered by a number of separate programmes. The main purpose of the programme is mobility, cooperation and development policy.
International study, training, teaching and volunteering opportunities are currently funded.
Why participate in the Erasmus+ programme?
The Erasmus+ programme offers a financial contribution to help participants meet the costs associated with the study period spent abroad. As an Erasmus+ student, you are guaranteed recognition and validation of the educational activities followed abroad and for which the relevant credits have been awarded, as well as exemption from the payment of tuition fees at the host institution (whereas fees and other charges must be paid by the home institution), in addition to the right to receive and use the services that the host institution offers its students.
Main target groups
Students regularly enrolled at SSML Carlo Bo
How the Erasmus+ programme works
The Erasmus+ programme is structured around three-key activities (Key Actions), which are transversal to the different sectors:
- KA1 – Individual mobility for learning purposes. Encouraging mobility of students, staff, youth workers and young people.
- KA2 – Innovation and good practice. It aims to develop education,
training and youth sectors through strategic partnerships, knowledge alliances, sector skills alliances and competence development projects within youth and higher education. - KA2 – Support for policy reform. It aims to increase young people’s participation in democratic life, especially in debates with policy-makers, and develop knowledge in the field of education, training, and youth.
KA1 includes student mobility, corresponding to the previous Erasmus Programme (LLP), and is divided into:
- Student mobility for study purposes (ERASMUS+ Study).
- Student mobility for traineeship (ERASMUS+ Traineeship).