We have been training the best Italian interpreters and translators for decades. Today, we train a professional figure indispensable to the world in which we live: the language mediator.
The three-year degree course (equivalent to BA) in Language Mediation Sciences was designed to enhance cultural, scientific and practical education of future language mediators, who are highly specialised figures in multiculturalism and increasingly in demand in various areas of the job market.

Explore your linguistic and cultural horizons

A single degree course with three different and specific subject areas: our range of courses is rich and very interesting.

  • English is compulsory for all students.
  • You may choose the second language from Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian, Spanish, and German.
  • You may choose among many extracurricular activities.
  • The final degree you will attain is equivalent to a university degree.
  • Access to a post-graduate university degree course (equivalent to MA) in Specialised Translation and Interpreting is guaranteed.
  • Programmes taught in the first year are common to all courses.
  • From the second year onwards, students will follow the curriculum of the chosen taught programme.
  • Students may get a study experience abroad through the Erasmus+ Programme.


In the second year, you will be able to choose your pathway.

Language mediators can play differents roles. That is why, at the second and third year, students are asked to choose one of the three taught programmes available: three different ways to practise the profession of translator or interpreter thanks to specific and trasversali skills.

Law, Communication, Marketing: these are the core subjects you may study in depth.



(NEW) Digital Technologies in Translation Processes

Become a language mediator with solid competences in digital and AI tools, acquiring advanced skills in managing complex texts and infographic languages.


Language Mediation and International Negotiation

Work as a professional able to deal with translation processes, with an expertise in contemporary international affairs and a grasp of the mechanisms that regulate peaceful coexistence between people.


Digital Communication and Social Media Marketing

Become an expert in digital communication and learn how to manage all the processes that enable the language mediator to operate in the field of advertising, marketing and global information.


International Trade and Multicultural Sales

Learn how to manage and support communication processes within companies operating in the import-export and global markets, in order to facilitate commercial negotiations and analyse the needs of SMEs entering internationalisation.


Tuition fees, examinations, and final examination: everything you need to know and in-depth information if you want.

What is the role of a Language Mediator in the world?

Globalisation has created many open and multi-ethnic societies: it is what we call a ‘world without borders.’ This process of cultural integration has required a professional figure such as the Language Mediator, who is able not only to translate languages, but also to mediate in very different cultural contexts.
This is why the Linguistic Mediator can be employed not only in the traditional field of translation and interpreting, but also in other areas where a high level of specialisation is required.


Discover the Professional Opportunities without Borders


Business and external relations management, language support, translation


Construction of tourist-cultural routes for airlines and tour operators


Adaptation and language consulting for press agencies, radio, newspapers, TV, cinema, video games and websites

Public Administration

Mediation in problematic multi-ethnic settings and interpreting in communities


Management of international projects in the field of humanitarian cooperation

Why Choose the Undergraduate Course in Language Mediation Sciences

Attention to the individual

An ideal environment for individual development: our classes of up to 25 students allow the teachers to closely monitor each student’s progress and support them as best they can.

Facts and Words

For each language (first and second languages), 720 hours of workshop time are provided in the curriculum, on average 20% more than in other schools, universities and colleges.

We are professionals and professional

We have modern, high-tech teaching facilities and our teachers are professionals, both native speakers and Italians

We always understand each other immediately

We speak the same language as you do and we will support you from your enrollment until your entering the world of work

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