Certificates and Self-certifications
Below are reported the procedures to request printing of self-certifications and issuing of certificates on legal paper, along with the request form for those on legal paper.
Below are reported the procedures to request printing of self-certifications and issuing of certificates on legal paper, along with the request form for those on legal paper.
A student who, at the end of the three-year degree course, has not completed the coursework and examinations as scheduled in the study plan is considered ‘fuori corso’ (repeating the academic year) according to the following cases:
The Board of Directors will annually determine the fees to be charged to repeating students in relation to their academic standing.
Re-enrollment will not be accepted if the student is not in good standing in terms of registration and payment of tuition fees due for the previous years.
In the case of non-enrollment in one or more academic years, the student will have to request acknowledgement of his or her student status if he or she wishes to re-enroll. An amount corresponding to the tuition fees for each year of non-enrollment will be paid.
Transfers requested by a student are governed by university regulations in force.
Transfers to other campuses of the Institute.
Transfers to another Higher Education Institute or University.
The status of ‘student’ is reserved to the student regularly enrolled in the Higher Education Institute and in good administrative standing.
The student forfeits his or her student status if he or she fails to pass at least one examination for five consecutive academic years.
The forfeiture period does not apply to students who only fail the final examination.
Owing to forfeiture, the student loses the right to transfer, change courses or other teaching opportunities; however, he or she may obtain the issue of a certification regarding his or her educational career with the specification of forfeiture.
After forfeiture, the student who intends to continue studies must follow the same procedure as the matriculating student’s (enrollment and tuition fees payment).
Simultaneous enrollment in more than one Higher Education Institute for Language Mediators and Italian or foreign university is not permitted.
Graduates who intend to enroll in Postgraduate Courses, MA degree or PhD course, and who are already enrolled in a course of study at SSML Carlo Bo are required to apply for suspension for one or more academic years of the career.
The suspension cannot last for more than five academic years.
The students enrolled at SSML Carlo Bo may request suspension from their studies for one or more academic years to attend degree courses at foreign universities, without forfeiting their educational career and credits acquired.
The suspension may last no longer than five academic years.
The Institute encourages the student exchange with foreign countries as well as studying abroad.
The student exchange takes place within the framework of bilateral agreements under the Erasmus+ Programme, and also outside of it.
The activities carried out abroad must be documented and they are recognised as valid for the purposes of the academic curriculum, as long as they are consistent with the educational pathway taken at SSML Carlo Bo.
Procedures for recognition are defined by the Academic Council.
Students may withdraw from their studies at any time by clearly and explicitly expressing their decision in a written statement
To submit an application for withdrawal, students must:
Withdrawal is irrevocable and the previous career is cancelled. However, it does not exclude the possibility of obtaining re-enrollment even in the same course of study. The Academic Council of the campuses concerned will evaluate the possibility of recognising the CFUs previously acquired according to the criteria established by the Academic Council.
In case of renunciation of studies, under any circumstances the student is not entitled to a refund of tuition fees and charges paid. They are obliged to pay the full amount of tuition fees and charges.
Alias Career has been established to provide SSML Carlo Bo students in Milan with guarantees of respect, dignity and privacy, implementing protective measures for those who need to use a name of ‘election’ different from their registry name within the Institute.
See the Alias Career regulations
Activation procedures
To activate Alias Career, it is necessary to send the following documents to carriera.alias@ssmlcarlobo.it:
Alias Career activation request form
Identity document
Alias Career activation
Upon receipt of the application, a confidentiality agreement will be drawn up between the person concerned and the Institute, specifying all obligations and responsibilities arising from the activation of Alias Career exclusively within the Institute.
Once the agreement is signed by both parties, the Student Office will activate Alias Career by assigning a new provisional registry identity chosen by the applicant, which is temporary and not definitive.
The Institute arranges for the issue of a new email account and student badge, which are valid only for the following interactions with the Institute:
However, Alias Career will be associated to the student’s birth name at the time of matriculation, and will be referred to the applicant’s personal identity.
Said Alias Career will coexist with your birth name as long as your academic career persists, without prejudice to any request for interruption, or until the final judgment on gender identity has been issued by the competent Judicial Authority.
The Student Office undertakes to make periodic updates related to Alias Career by recording them in the student’s academic career (indicatively within the first week of each month), so that it is always up-to-date and externally usable.
If the competent Judicial Authority authorises the change of gender or name and gender, said change will take effect on the applicant’s academic career and, consequently, Alias Career will be closed.
Delegate of the Director: Prof. Michela Maria Cislaghi
For more information, please contact sede.mi@ssmlcarlobo.itt