
In each course, students are assessed through examinations held at the end of the academic year during specific sessions and through continuous assessment tests called ‘prove in itinere’ held over the academic year, depending on the type of teaching. Examinations are held in three sessions throughout the academic year.

  • Examinations may be either written or oral, and assessment is expressed in thirtieths (30/30). The exam is considered passed if the mark is at least 18/30.
  • Continuous assessment tests are a mode of testing language modules only, they are conducted with evaluations expressed in thirtieths (30/30). Students who fail continuous assessment tests must take examinations during the specific sessions.
  • The Examining Board is composed of the subject teacher and at least another teacher of the same or related subject.
    Teachers of the same or related subject with proven cultural and professional competence may also be members of the Examining Board.

Final Examination

To award the Degree, students must have acquired 180 educational credits (CFU), including those relating to the final examination.
Three sessions are scheduled for the final examination during the academic year.

Assessment Criteria and Examining Board:

  • The final degree evaluation is assessed by the entire Examining Board and is expressed in one hundred and tenths (0-110 scale). Students pass the final examination if they achieve a minimum grade of 66/110.
  • The result of the final examination is derived from the average of the grades received in the examinations and the grade of the final examination.
  • The Examining Board is composed of at least seven teachers in charge of teachings and an expert appointed by Italy’s Ministry of Universities and Scientific Research.

Final Examination:

  • The final examination consists of a written essay (thesis) that is presented and discussed before the Examining Board.
  • The thesis is a short essay dealing with:
    • Theoretical and/or methodological issues of linguistic interest;
    • Topics related to the literatures and/or cultures of the countries whose language has been studied;
    • Translation/interpretation practices/problems;
    • Other aspects of themes students dealt with in the classes they attended during the three-year training course.
  • The thesis length must be approximately 40 pages of 2,000 characters each.
  • The thesis is written in Italian and must be accompanied by two summaries in the two foreign languages studied, each between 6,000 and 8,000 characters in length.
  • Similarly, the thesis written in a foreign language will include two summaries written in Italian and in the second language studied.
  • The topic will be agreed with the teacher who will be the thesis advisor.

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