As part of the Erasmus+ program, the “Erasmus Traineeship” action allows regularly enrolled Third-Year students to undertake an internship abroad lasting approximately three months. The program provides a scholarship of varying amounts depending on the country of destination.

Those who have already participated in Erasmus for Study can also participate again in Erasmus Traineeship.


Where it can be carried out

Erasmus+ Traineeship can take place in all EU countries and in Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Turkey, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Serbia and Switzerland (subject to special conditions).


Eligible and non-eligible locations

Any public or private organization active in the labor market or in areas such as education, training and youth. For example, such an organization may be:

  • a small, medium or large public or private enterprise (including social enterprises), including overseas branches of Italian enterprises;
  • A public body at the local, regional or national level;
  • a social partner or other representative of the business community, including chambers of commerce (including Italian chambers of commerce abroad), orders of artisans or professionals, and trade unions;
  • A research institute;
  • A foundation;
  • Italian cultural institutes abroad for internationalization activities;
  • A nonprofit organization, association or NGO;
  • A body for career guidance, career counseling and information services;
  • An Institute of Higher Education for internationalization activities.

They are not eligible venues:

  • EU institutions and other EU bodies, including specialized Agencies;
  • Organizations that manage EU programs, such as National Agencies.


How to find the host institution

The candidate must find an enterprise willing to host him/her. He/she may propose to do the internship in a company with which he/she has made contact independently or through the intermediation of the Erasmus office of SSML Carlo Bo.

Once the host location is found, the candidate must have the company fill out the acceptance letter.

It is possible to leave from June to September.


Academic recognition

The activity performed abroad will receive academic recognition. Credits that will be validated upon return will be transcribed and recorded in the career.

In order to achieve the scholarship (three summer months) under the Erasmus+ Traineeship program, one must participate in the call for applications and submit a general education program (Learning Agreement). Host sites will be identified by the SSML Carlo Bo mobility office.

Published each year in early March, the notice contains admission requirements, application and selection procedures.


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