Destination countries

We have been participating in the European Union’s bilateral education and student exchange programmes for years.

During academic year 2024/2025 the destinations are:

     Country Erasmus Code University Town Availability
Spain EZARAGOZ07 San Jorge Saragozza 2
Spain E SEVILLA03 Pablo De Olavide Siviglia 2
Spain E MURCIA01 Universidad de Murcia * Murcia 2
France F RENNES02 Université Rennes 2 Rennes 3
France F LYON 10 Université Catholique de Lyon Lione 3
Germany D SAARBRU01 Universität des Saarlandes Saarbrücken 2
Turkey TR MERSIN02 Çağ University Mersin/Tarsus 2
Albania E10159336 University of Vlorë Vlorë 3
Spain E VALLADO01 University of Valladolid Valladolid 2
Tunisi N/A Università di Sfax Sfax 2

Modalities of participation

To benefit from a scholarship (duration of 4 months) under the Erasmus+ Study Programme, you must participate in the call for applications and submit a general training programme (Learning Agreement) to be authorised in accordance with the equivalent courses offered by the university selected and SSML Carlo Bo study programme.

The call for application is published every year between February and March, and contains the admission requirements, enrollment and selection procedures.

The planned destinations are assigned to eligible students in a ranking list. No re-openings are envisaged.


Useful information for candidates

  • The eligibility criteria are based on merit. No specific grade point average must be achieved. However, priority in the assignment and choice of destination will go to the most deserving students in terms of both grade point average and number of credits achieved. Erasmus exchange programme is an experience of personal and professional enrichment. It should be approached with awareness and competent knowledge. In order to pass the examinations at the foreign university and to experience the exchange to the fullest, it is necessary to know the language of the host country as well as English at an adequate level.

Lectures and examinations are in the language of the host country unless otherwise indicated.
The financial contribution is strictly linked to the educational activities planned for the study period abroad and requires the achievement of a minimum number of credits. Otherwise, the entire amount will be refunded.


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