The Foundation

The Fondazione Scuola Superiore per Interpreti e Traduttori Ente Morale was established in 1951 on the initiative of Senator for Life Carlo Bo, who was the President from the beginning until 2001, along with Silvio Baridon, who was the first Director. Subsequently, it was chaired by Senator Giulio Andreotti until 2013.

According to the Articles of Association, today the Foundation is governed by a Board of Directors chaired by Prof. Giovanni Puglisi and composed of Dr. Salvatore Carrubba (Vice President), Prof. Paolo Proietti, Ambassador Gianfranco Facco Bonetti, and Dr. Matteo Signoriello.

The Board of Directors is responsible for strategic policy, planning coordination, and supervision of the Foundation’s management activities.

The Board of Auditors consists of:

  • Mariangela Mazzaglia, as Chairman
  • Francesco Campobasso
  • Gimede Gigante

Our Vision

We have been seeing a world without borders since 1951, and we have been training and supporting young people in creating their professional future in continuously different contexts ever since.

We have always believed in the study of languages and cultures as a source of opportunity, comparison and growth and it is with this spirit that we have been training Italy’s best professionals in the field of translation, interpreting and language mediation for 70 years.

Governing bodies

The Department of Language Mediation, Istituto di Alti Studi (Higher Education Institute) SSML Carlo Bo is a department of the Fondazione Scuola Superiore per Interpreti e Traduttori Ente Morale, endowed with full autonomy.
Headquartered in Milan, at 23 Via Simone Martini known as Memmi, the Institute is active throughout Italy with campuses located in Milan, Rome, Florence, Bologna, and Bari.
The Director of Higher Education Institute SSML Carlo Bo is Prof. Paolo Proietti.
The continuous updating of language teaching has allowed the Institute, in its 70 years of activity, to become the most important Italian institution in the teaching of foreign languages for professional purposes.


SSML Carlo Bo and IULM

SSML Carlo Bo is a point of reference for language laboratories, and the renowned IULM University proves this by entrusting the laboratories of all its faculties to our Milan campus.


Teaching evaluation

Among its institutional purposes, the Istituto di Alti Studi SSML Carlo Bo aims to guarantee the highest quality of teaching services and offer maximum transparency in its activities.
The task of supervising the fulfillment of duties related to teaching activities is exercised by the Course Director.

The overall results and the teaching qualitative level are subject to analysis by the Technical and Scientific Committee appointed in virtue of Decree 38/2002 (Art. 4, paragraphs 2 and 3), which has the task of submitting an annual report to MIUR (Italy’s Ministry of Education, University, and Research).

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